Saturday was Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) where Scouts thought the world talk to each other by Amateur Radio. Last year we had our own event at Steep Lane Chapel, but this year we joined Halifax Scouts on their event at Hebden Hey, run by Calderdale Raynet. We met at Sowerby Bridge and caught the train to Hebden Bridge and walked the 2½ miles to Hebden Hey, via the park of course where the Cubs spent a happy half hour playing. This is an annual event for us and a full weekend.
During the event the Cubs learnt about call signs, morse code, the phonetic alphabet and had a chance to talk on the radio to others on the 20m & 40m bands.
At the end of the event we walked back to Hebden Bridge and caught the train home. Well not back to their homes, rather to St Pauls where we had tea and watched a couple of movies on the big screen before settling down for the night.
In the morning after breakfast the Cubs went to the park to avoid disturbing the church meeting. In the afternoon they worked on some activity badges – Personal & Home Safety before taking part in the annual anniversary parade. This starts at Walton Street and parades through the town to the church, where a short service is held including the renewing of promises.
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