Elation & Disaster on the River Calder

Rover Crew set off from Sowerby Bridge for Goole on rafts, Easter 1960

Four Rover Scouts from Tuel Lane Scouts (now 24th St Paul’s) – John & Martin Mitchell, Rodney Oldfield, and David Southwell, together with Senior Scout leader Reuben Holroyd, launched two rafts for the Rovers and a canoe for Reuben, from an improvised boatyard on Hollins Mill Lane on Easter Saturday 16th April 1960, with the intention of sailing to Goole.

As we approached the County Bridge, both sides were packed with onlookers and traffic, including a double-decker bus that had stopped so that its passengers could watch! All the world had come to a standstill as the small ships went by.

More thrills were to follow as we struggled to haul the rafts over the weir and then quickly jump back on board as they were caught by the current and spun around. Progress was very slow: the river was shallow, the oil drums were punctured, and the ropes securing the drums cut, on the river bed. Repairs were undertaken but the problems continued with the drums of the rafts, and Reuben’s canoe, taking in water- so much so that the decision was taken (at the Calder & Hebble North Dean) to abandon ship, about 2½ hours after setting off.

We made our way home trying to avoid being seen by neighbours. In spite of our disappointment at not even getting to Wakefield, let alone Goole, it was a good and enjoyable experience. The Courier reported that the Rovers might try another attempt later…

John S Mitchell
(former Scout at 24th Halifax Tuel Lane)

Ready to leave – Easter 1960

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