The Cubs met at St Paul’s on a very pleasant April day and set off for an afternoon walk. This time we walked down the canal to Copley and then walked through North Dean Woods to Maple Dean Clough; a lovely and interesting climb bringing you out at “Donkey Bridge”, that’s Clough Moor Bridge as it is properly called.
A short walk across the moor brought us to Norland Park where the played while the leaders chatted and enjoyed the view.
Setting off again, we then walked up the moor (we usually walk the opposite way here) as far as Ladstone Rock and then dropped down through the heather and boulders to the road. A path down through the fields led to Rough Hey Wood. From here we walked down through the wood, dropped down to the old railway track and back into Sowerby Bridge where we spent the night at the Elim Church, watching films on the BIG screen there.
In the morning after we had packed and eaten breakfast we joined in the church meeting for half an hour before going down into the cellar to play pool and table tennis until the Cubs parents came to pick them up.