An afternoon hike along one of our favourite routes, from Sowerby Bridge to Triangle via the old railway track; a peaceful walk although it can be muddy in wet weather. From Triangle a steep climb up a cobbled track, easy going up, but slippery coming down – we always avoid coming down this way. The track winds up through Longley, occasionally steep at times, before arriving at Moor Bottom Lane by the old Children’s Home.
A climb up through the old quarries before arriving on the moor top. Here is a nice gently descending path with great views of Halifax and beyond which leads down to the playground at Norland Town – this is our destination and the Cubs spend a happy time playing here.
From here it’s a 45 minute walk back to Sowerby Bridge and we always take the same route, the safest one we know. Wiggling along quiet lanes and footpaths, past the old Blue Ball pub a footpath down through the fields leads to Spark House Lane – one of these fields is very steep and the Cubs love to run or roll down this. From here 20 yards of road lead to a footpath down to Allan Park where we can pause at the swings is we’re early. A little know path at the back of the bowling green leads to the railway station, and a walk through the underpass leads to a path across the river back into town. A nice 5 mile amble with great views.