Jamboree on the Air

Stuart, G6NTI, explains how to use the radio for our station GX2UG

JOTA, Jamboree on the Air is one of the World Scouting’s longest-running global events dating back more than 60 years to 1958. It involves communication by short-wave radio to pass greeting messages between scouts all over the world. It runs on the third weekend of October every year.

The use of amateur-radio techniques offers an extra educational dimension for Scouts. Many grasp the opportunity to discover the world of wireless radio techniques and electronics. Thousands of volunteer radio amateurs assist the Scouts over the JOTA weekend with their knowledge, equipment, and enthusiasm.

With the advent of the internet JOTI, Jamboree on the Internet was born and added to the event, originally using mIRC chat, but now by various mediums.

The internet has also helped radio; by using Echolink part of the communication can be part radio, part internet, giving easy long-distance communication regardless of the radio propagation conditions, using even small handheld radios.

We are grateful to have the help of Calderdale Raynet and the Halifax and District Amateur Radio Society to provide this activity to our group.

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